Tagged: friends

12 Secrets to Living a Good, Healthy Life

Now before you guys read this post, I want to let you know that this secret is not so secret at all. In fact all 7.2 billion people that dwell on this beautiful planet have come into contact with this special bit of information I am about to tell you. Now you’re probably asking “what the h*%l is this guy talking about? How can there be so much pain, sickness, and trouble in our world, if everyone knows the “secret” to a living a good life”? The reason is, people forget. We get so ingrained in the busy happenings of life, that we lose touch of whats important. If you haven’t guessed it by now, the secret is: be more of a kid. More specifically, the time you were born to about the age of 7 (our stage where we are most “blank”).

We as humans were born with an innate ability to live, however as we grow older and develop, we start to get shallow with the things that keep us healthy and human. Lets take a look at why kids are the perfect archetype for living a good life:

1. Kids get to bed early – The amount of sleep you get is directly proportionate to so many components of a healthy life. Happiness, stress, motivation, sociability, life longevity, and so much more. Without sleep, you strip your ability to recharge, stay young, and face the day with a positive attitude. Today, billions of people forget how important sleep is, and decide to disregard it. Stay organized and get to bed early because work can wait until the morning, try and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night (depending on your daily activity). Which brings me to my next point…

2. Kids wake up early – If you’re getting to bed early, getting up early should be breeze, and you don’t have to sacrifice your much needed shut eye. There are so many advantages of getting up early. Nothing is worse than waking up too late, you feel groggy, you might be running late, and it just doesn’t feel good. By waking up early you get your day started, it provides you with “you” time, you can get what you need done, maybe go for a morning run, and it’s really peaceful. Kids can’t wait to experience the day, and you should follow them!

3. Kids eat whole foods – As a baby, you are exposed to easily digestible whole foods. Eating a diet filled with whole foods will benefit your health in a myriad of ways. Load up on vegetables, fruits, and lean meats, and try to stay clear from overly processed or refined foods. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel.

4. Kids are curious – Remember when you were a kid? How you would always ask questions, or find even the little things (even a pebble) interesting? This curiosity should stay without you throughout your life. Now I’m not saying pick up a rock and study it, but what I am saying is: ask questions, meet new people, try different things, maybe learn a new language, ask your elders for advice. If you stay curious, you provide yourself with the opportunity to grow.

5. Kids laugh and have fun – A kids’ number one purpose is to have fun, and they will think of new and creative ways to find it. It’s important to continue this throughout your adult life, because without having fun, whats the point of living. I’m also not referring to going out and partying (which is also fun), but try and find ways of having sober fun like going for a round of golf with dad, or getting a mani pedi with mom.

6. Kids dream big – “I want to be an astronaut”. Never stop dreaming, if you don’t enjoy what your doing, change it (stop feeding yourself with excuses), take risks, and most importantly do what you love, because if you do this, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

7. Kids Cry – Kids are great at expressing their emotions and crying is a natural way of ridding your body of bad toxins. Make sure you communicate as well. Whether it be with a significant other, family member, or friend, communication is at the root of a healthy relationship. Be honest with yourself and others while maintaining a strong dynamic of communication.

8. Kids don’t judge – A young child will accept you for who you are. They don’t care about age, appearance, race, or sex, they treat everyone the same. If you find yourself judging, stop because you wouldn’t want others to judge you. Instead, get to know people and give them a chance before you make assumptions.

9. Kids don’t stress – At least not over the little things. What’s the point of getting mad at the slow driver in front of you, or the “incompetent” cashier who might be on his first day of work. All stress does is put you in a poor mood, raise cortisol and affect your ability to deal with your day. Stress is also associated with health conditions such as high blood pressure, depression, and heart conditions. I myself used to be guilty of this, now whenever I catch myself stressing over something little, I laugh and get on with my day because it’s not worth it.

10. Kids breathe properly – This one a lot of people forget. You were born with the ability to properly  breathe, deep within your diaphragm. As we get older our breath becomes more and more shallow. Really try and breathe deep, allowing your diaphragm to expand naturally (don’t force it). You’ll feel more relaxed and more energized at the same time.

11. Kids are creative – Dedicate some time once in a while to letting your creativity flow. Whether that’s through writing, painting, brainstorming, singing, or cooking an extravagant meal, just try and do something outside the norm. This not only is a boat load of fun, it changes things up which will help your mind and brain stay sharp and young.

12. Kids get into trouble – Now I mean this figuratively. Take risks, be creative, try not to follow the social norms (excluding the necessary norms). If you don’t like your job, find a new one, if you always wanted to climb Mt. Everest why not give it a try, if you feel like pigging out, do it. Staying on the same routine day in and day out is boring, do something you enjoy, reward yourself, and get into a little bit of trouble (remember, figuratively).

Don’t be limited to your age. Everyone has the ability to be healthy and stay young. Remember age is just a number. Stick to some of these guidelines and watch your life turn “right-side up”, you’ll feel happier, stronger, and more in tuned with your life and the people you experience with it. Don’t get suckered into adult life. I’m not talking about not maturing, but take these lessons that kids model to us everyday and incorporate them into your daily life. Stay curious, stay happy, and enjoy the things you do and the people you spend your time with, that’s whats important.